Our very own Jah pass away from a heart attack Thursday May 4, 2017. He was a close and dear friend to Hollywood for many years. Hollywood put a picture of one of the many he has created for his Museum. He was a talented brother, and will be missed.
Hollywood will be at the Jacob Javits Convention soon. We will inform you of all the dates.

We will be officially launching the H1 Premium website Memorial Weekend. If you are lucky enough to see us now, that is great! To see this site start with a small amount of inventory to the largest is amazing withing itself. We will have a special ceremony for our launch. A selected few has been chosen to be there. Stay tune, we may have a free give away to this event. For those who cant be there, feel free to go online and see what H1 has to offer. We will post all the pics of this amazing event. We welcome all your feedback to make us better.

This is where the H1 Cleaner is being sold on 773 Flatbush. You can buy the H1 Cleaner here or on our website! Take a look at out article on H1 Premium Shoe Cleaner.
No matter where you go, people play sports for competion. We always have to find out who is the best. It is our nature, and what drives us to work hard. In the most remote places, there is always a glimpse of someone playing sports. Our love begins with the comfort, and the ready to play!
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While I would like to believe this, nothing is further from the truth. People are collecting sneakers all over the world, and it is there prize collections. We will be interviewing some artists, and see if they agree. You can decide!
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This article will be a face to face with Hollywood himself. We are going to get is straight from the man himself in this intense interview behind the owner and creator of H1 Premium.
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