H2 Kids Clothing and Apparel
The H2 Kids

H2 Kids
By Gershom Lewis
Our motto, “Passion let us here” is the reason why we love the work we do everyday. We Make sure that we give the public what they need to satisfy their hunger. Our Michael Jordan Museum has never before seen sneakers, and art that is created by the most talented artists. Offering all this and more is a challenge. Sorting through hours of videos, pics, and information is endless hours which can go on until the early hours of the morning. While we know this goes unnoticed to the ones who may view the material, we strive to give you an undeniable first impression. Our vision is far from complete, and consistently improving to bring you the best. Our aim is to let you know and feel what our passion was in the past, present, and the future.

H2 Knit Hat and SweatShirt
Developing a kids brand that is sports based has not been done. If it was, it will never be creative and innovative as our new brand. All of our products takes its beginning stage from our MJ Museum. What we have is a large collections of hard to find and unique pieces. We create our brand around the multimillion dollar collection, and turn it into products that people can wear and appreciate. As the desire for unique clothes increases, we are always looking for the next trend. Our vision for possessing the pieces from the greatest player in the world puts us a great position. MJ wasn’t always the best, but practice until he became the best. MJ23 Moments Museum holds H1 Premium to those standards, and even higher. 20+ years of collecting has shown us a few things over the years. It shows us our first lesson in life. Patience. No success comes overnight, and we prove that by staying in this game for many years. Second best is not acceptable, and not an option in anything that we do. The team that misses the game by a point is still not the winner, but uses that to create a better dynamic to win the next game. Only patience, hard work, and determination can weather any storm. Our H1 Premium Kids brand is no different from any other project we work on. Putting the best minds together and brain storming is what we did before we embark on this project. What made this easy is the great people we work with. Working with H2, and knowing his passion for his dad work allowed us to just observe his energy and transition it to the brand.

H2 in front the Jordan Wings
H2 is Ian, the son of H1 otherwise known as Hollywood. Ian or “H2” has I call him is the future of the Museum, the brand, and all that we work and strive for. His ability to rock clothes, draw, and to perform makes him something we strive to be as adults. Adults lost the natural passion kids possess as a result of the hard lessons and tough times of life. This is why we decided to release this remarkable one of a kind brand. Our Museum is one of a kind. What we offer is one of a kind. We continue that trend through the music, magazine, and now the new kids lines. Kids will now be able to rock sneaker heads gear keeping the love of the culture. Seeing children wearing a brand that has been part of a 20 year journey of collecting is amazing. Like I mention before, it may take you some time to go through our website, social media pics, and magazine, but making a positive impression lasts lifetimes. It is an impression that can be made to their children and so on. Our culture went through the best times in music and sports. The only way to continue what we love is to preserve it to the best of our ability.

H1 Premium – Benjamin and H2
Our ultimate goal is to have a museum the size of the Brooklyn Museum for a permanent building for the H23 Moments Museum and its brands. With you help and support, we can create destiny. We us working together, we can create a renew passion in the hearts of the children so they can continue where we left. H1 Premium has been a great success, and we look forward to H2 Premium Kids as a bridge into the future.
Gershom Lewis
H1 Enterprises
#MJ23MM #IAMH1 #Jordans #JordanMuseum #Holiw23d #JordanMuseum #H1Premium #KingbriceMJ23 #Sneakerart #jordanart#MJ23MomentsMuseum #NIKE #Airjordan #MJMuseuminBK#H1Premium23 #H2 #H1Enterprises #holiw23d1 #Holiw23d #H1Sneakerbands #H2Kids #JordaninBK